11/01/2019: Monday is the day
over 5 years ago
– Sat, Nov 02, 2019 at 12:20:04 AM
Ok, final update before I release the Player's Guide to 2095.
I have all the content in with the exception of the index, the backer list, and the table of contents. This weekend I'll be getting that taken care of along with a final proof, and (though I really HATE giving Dates), I will send it out to everyone on Monday. The final page count is looking to be 272 pages, so it's much bigger than I initially planned, largely due in part to all the history and world material. I wanted more equipment and vehicle art..generally more art throughout, but I have neither space nor budget for it, so I'll just have to add more stuff to the Malmart catalog.
There won't be a GM section in this book, but I'll be doing a Jumpstart for that book, and obviously you'll get it as a part of the kickstarter.
So, yeah. Monday (fingers crossed).
Thanks everyone for your patience.
10/20/2019 Update: Closer, but not quite there
over 5 years ago
– Mon, Oct 21, 2019 at 03:23:42 AM
Hiya everyone, just hopping in to update you.
It's been a crazy weekend; I got a lot done, but kinda feel like nothing was accomplished, if that makes sense. I've just 2 chapters to go, but when I started digging into the documents I didn't like the way everything was formatted, so I started making a new doc and began compiling everything, and of course that kickstarted my imagination, and I got hung up creating more stuff!
So, as I said. I got alot done, but didn't really get my goals accomplished so it'll be a few more days. The upside? More material!
Anyhow. That's it for now. Thanks for your patience.
10/17/2019: World and History chapter (EPUB)
over 5 years ago
– Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 03:23:24 AM
This post is for backers only. Please visit Kickstarter.com and log in to read.
10/11/2019: "Phone" pdfs, Weapons, and armor creation docs, final stretch
over 5 years ago
– Fri, Oct 11, 2019 at 11:16:01 PM
Hi everyone, I'm just hopping in with some questions for you, mainly to get your opinion on some things.
First off, I've recently found an article on drivethrurpg in the publisher knowledge base section about creating "Phone" pdfs, which are essentially books designed to fit your smart phone. I'm wondering, if I offer this format as an extra bonus in addition to everything else, would this be something you are likely to use?
It takes much more time to do it, so I won't have it ready when the full-size pdf drops, but am more than happy to do this for you as bonus material. Feedback is appreciated!
Next, the Armor and Weapon creation rules are proving difficult to deal with. There are so many balance issues cropping up in the past week or so, that I really want to take more time and flesh them out. I have rules for vehicles and golemmechs that I'm happy with, and these will be in the book, but for reasons I'm not comfortable sharing right now, I want to slow the process down and put the armor and weapon creation documents in the Malmart book rather than just dump them in the Player's Guide when they clearly aren't ready. Feedback is welcome.
We're definitely in the final stretch now, and provided I don't put the weapon and armor creation rules in, I should have the pdf ready by the 21st at the latest, and the POD version for the PG ready in the first or second week of Novemeber, depending on how fast I can get a proof copy printed and sent.
10/05/2019: Surveys are being sent out, project status, Website is up!
over 5 years ago
– Sun, Oct 06, 2019 at 01:29:25 AM
Hi everyone, I hope this update finds you well!
DTRPG Surveys
I've just sent out surveys so I can gather information I need to deliver your digital rewards via DriveThruRPG. PLEASE fill these out, as they are critical. I'll still send out digital rewards through backerkit, as I've had a bunch of pre-orders, but DriveThruRPG will always be my default for digital products.
Project Update
September has been pretty busy. Tons of editing, more writing, playtesting, lot's of hair lost, but we're getting pretty close now, hence the reason I sent out the surveys. I won't give a firm date yet, but the Player's Guide to 2095 pdf should be out in the next couple of weeks, and the POD will come very soon after.
Bennies have finally been ordered, and we're working on wrapping the final designs for the way of the gun deck. I'll share the final benny images once I get them back from the company I'm ordering them from.
In other news, my website is back up and running! I still have some cleaning up to do, but the forums are up and active, so if you choose to, you can head on over and create an account.
Thanks for your time, everyone!
Gun Metal Games