

Created by David Jarvis/Gun Metal Games

The third edition of Interface Zero for the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

02/11/2019 Update: GM Screen!
almost 6 years ago – Wed, Feb 13, 2019 at 01:16:30 PM

Hi everyone, happy Monday!

 So I just got the image for the GM Screen for Interface Zero 3.0. This beauty was done by Aaron Riley.  I asked for a gang battle between sector cops and a gang. I got this.

Now, I need to come up with a name for this gang! Any how. I hope you like it!

For a bigger look, click here

02/08/2019: 800 Backers!
about 6 years ago – Fri, Feb 08, 2019 at 05:15:05 AM

Thank you all so much for your support!

In return for your support, I'd adjusted the costs for the  stretch goals, bringing them down to a more manageable level. Before you ask, no, this doesn't affect my ability to make them. When I was looking them over this morning, I realized they were higher than I'd originally planned. Perhaps that came about when I reorganized them to bring the Europe/Russia/China Book down, and I didn't realize it. 

In any case, the adjustments may or may not affect the outcome of this kickstarter in terms of final funding, but the next Stretch is much closer now!

Here's a couple of Face Card images for the action deck I just got in!

02/07/09: Designer Journal (races), and some eye-candy
about 6 years ago – Thu, Feb 07, 2019 at 10:04:26 AM

 Hi everyone, just thought I'd pop in with a quick designer journal from Sarah Lyon. She handling the races you'll find in this edition!


 Hello everyone! Sarah Lyon from the designer team for Interface Zero 3.0! I've been a freelancer with Gun Metal Games since about 2011, after the original Savage Worlds version of IZ was published, with my work on the San Francisco, Boston, and Zeeks supplements. I was really excited to be brought on as a Line Developer for 2.0 and had my greasy little paws all over the character creation section.

For 3.0, I'm back into the game. For this update, I'll be talking about races rules, and it's been a blast updating them for SWADE. I found that there were some interesting changes. Small and other "Toughness -1s" being a minor Hindrance now made for a couple of big tweaks on Hybrids in particular. The biggest challenge with races is keeping them FFF. It's so easy to get bogged down in nuance or create a race that's super limited in its play-ability. We're here to create options, not tell someone what they're character concept is because of the race they chose!

My favorite new addition, though, was Zeeks as a Race! Since I've always been fond of psionics in Cyberpunk (I love you, Caprice Nisei!!!), I have spent a lot of time trying to get them right in Interface Zero. Turning them into a Race allows us to build on the concept that genetically modified humans don't typically develop Psionic powers, which works for the setting. Of course, nothing comes for free, so Psionics tend to be a little more unstable than you're vanilla hombre ...
I'm really looking forward to being able to play in IZ 3.0, and I hope you are all too.

And a shout-out to my playtest group back in Sacramento! Love you all, and we couldn't have gotten this far without all of your wacky shenanigans to keep us sane!

Here's a look at the hybrids you'll get to play in 3.0

Hybrids, 2nd Gen

The children of the freaks, second generation hybrids weren't engineered themselves. They were born into this world and have had to deal with the choices of their parents, sometimes at great personal cost. Kinda sucks sometimes, but then again, being able to run really fast is good nakama, especially when those purists are hot on your heels.


Example Animals: Sharks or various types of fish

  • Aquatic: Aquatic hybrids have +2 to Athletics rolls while swimming and can move at their full Pace underwater. They also can never drown because of their gills.
  • Dehydration: An aquatic hybrid must immerse himself in water one hour out of every 24 or become automatically Fatigued each day until he is Incapacitated; the day after that, he perishes.

[Sidebar] Semi-Aquatic hybrids double the length of time they can hold their breath under water, but can drown. However, they don't suffer from dehydration.[/sidebar]


Example Animals: Honey Badger, Tiger, Wolf

  • Irascible: Fierce hybrids suffer −2 in Tests of Will to resist Taunt. On a critical failure, the hybrid attacks the taunting person.
  • Keen Sense: +2 to Notice rolls with one sense of the player's choice.
  • Claws: Fierce hybrids are never considered unarmed and do Str+d4 damage when making an unarmed attack.


Example Animals: Fox, Hawk, Mongoose, Monkey, Snake

  • Agile: Quick hybrids start with a d6 in Agility.
  • Fast: Quick hybrids start with a base Pace of 10”.
  • Frail: Quick hybrids tend to have a frail frame and have −1 Toughness.


Example Animals: Rhino, Bull, Bear, Warthog

  • Big: Tough hybrids are larger than humans and have +1 Toughness.
  • Slow: Tough hybrids must spend 2 points to increase the Agility attribute by 1 step during character generation.
  • Solid: Tough hybrids start with a d6 in Vigor.


Example Animals: Bat, Rat, House Cat

  • Animal Reflexes: Stealth hybrids start with a d6 in Stealth and Athletics.
  • Enhanced Senses: Stealth hybrids have +2 to Notice rolls with one sense of the player's choice.
  • Low Light Vision: Stealth hybrids ignore penalties for Dim and Dark lighting, allowing them to see in all but pitch black conditions.
  • Small: Stealth hybrids tend to have a frail frame and have −1 Toughness.


Here's a look at the GM screen. It's still a work in progress, but I'm loving the way it's turning out!

02/05/2019 Update: International Shipping cost reduction
about 6 years ago – Tue, Feb 05, 2019 at 06:49:36 AM

Good day everyone,

I'm pleased to announce that I've found a better solution for most backers who live outside of the United States. I've been able to reach agreements with companies overseas and to the north to fulfill your rewards!  This means greatly reduced shipping costs for you....Well, most, I'm sorry but I still can't find any good options for Brazilians. I'll be updating the main page in just a bit, but here is the graphic listing your new rates, should you decide to back for physical rewards.

Please spread the word!

We passed our first stretch goal!
about 6 years ago – Sun, Feb 03, 2019 at 07:33:58 PM

Congrats everyone, you brought us through our first one. The Malmart catalog!

Now it's on to Europe, Russia and China!