

Created by David Jarvis/Gun Metal Games

The third edition of Interface Zero for the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

02/17/2019: Character Name Game
almost 6 years ago – Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 05:26:35 PM

Hi everyone, lately I've been thinking about cyberpunk character names and what separates them from other sci-fi genres. One element is alliteration. You get names like Billy_Black_Eyes, Molly Millions, Maximum Mike, Console Cowboy, etc.. Which is cool. I use it frequently. The name of the  razor girl in the image above is Kayla Kill-shot (art done by the brilliant Adam Kuczek ). You'll see her in New Los Angeles.

There are other ways cyberpunk names differ from other genres. Many times, you'll see names with some kind of reference to computers, like Nano Redhat, or one-word names, like Argent, Armitage, Case, Siren, Wraith, etc. 

Many names tend to project strength, danger, or mystery; examples might include Raven, Enigma, Voodoo's Echo, Luciferion, Judas' Razorblade.

Still others have no apparent rhyme or reason: Payne_Man, The Jalapeno_burn, ICE_EE_U, Ion_curtain, Sarah_swatty

Sometimes, reading through them, I get the impression I'm reading chat logs from an MMO, but at the same time I really appreciate the diversity and general attitude they bring to the genre.

With that in mind, let's play another game!  List some names of NPCs, gangs, etc. you think would be cool to see in Interface Zero 3.0.  I'll pick the ones I like best, and we'll find ways to work them into the setting. You may not see full page write-ups, or statblocks, but if I like them, they get in there somehow. ;)

02/21/2019: Over 1000 Backers!
almost 6 years ago – Mon, Feb 25, 2019 at 06:37:41 PM

We're over 1000 Backers now!

What an awesome achievement!  As promised, I'll do bonus content; around 32 pages, which will give you some insight into New Los Angeles!  You'll read about the history of this broken city, and how it's being rebuilt in the wake of the Reclamation War. You'll get the skinny on existing and emerging factions, new NPCs, weapons, armor, Golemmechs and a couple of One-sheets to get you started!

Thanks so much for your continued support everyone!

02/20/2019 Update: Just Seven Days Left!
almost 6 years ago – Fri, Feb 22, 2019 at 04:15:18 PM

Thank you all so much for supporting this kickstarter!  We've in the home stretch now. There's just seven days left!

Can we hit 1000 backers by Friday?? 

If so, I'll do some bonus content in PDF form. It might be a One-Sheet, Expanded Hacking rules for those of you who want more crunch, or some other cool stuff (suggestions welcome). So continue to spread the word!

02/10/2019: Cyberpunk terms
almost 6 years ago – Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 10:25:17 AM

Okay everyone, here's  the first "interactive" update.

Let's play a game of cyberpunk slang. It's been years since I viewed it, but over on there was this long thread about cyberpunk slang terms. They listed names for everything, including titles for "moves" or operations, terms people used to express an opinion, etc.

So, I figured it might be fun to start that up for terms in Interface Zero, and let you contribute to the lexicon! I'll get the ball rolling:

  •  Chrome Reaper: A person or group of people who steal implants from their victims and sell the gear on the black market.
  •  TAPnet: The Internet feeds piped into your Tendril Access Processor.
  •  Skipping The Stone: Hitting more than person with a thrown weapon. "Daaaam, didja see that!? Nika just skipped the stone on three of those burners!  Sheered the top of their heads clean off!"

Okay... your turn!

02/16/2019: Europe, China and Russia unlocked!
almost 6 years ago – Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 01:35:51 AM

Congrats everyone!

We passed the  stretch goal! Everyone will get this book in PDF, and you'll get vouchers to get it in POD!

Well done!

Next; The Zero's Guide to the Solar System!