

Created by David Jarvis/Gun Metal Games

The third edition of Interface Zero for the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

2/14/2023: The Player's Guide is updated
almost 2 years ago – Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 09:25:56 AM

Hi everyone,

I'm in the process of updating the Player's Guide.  Emails should be going out very soon from both Backerkit and DTRPG. The changelog is also updated and contains new rules for Augment Advances, missing tables, and all of the playable archetypes.

I'm hoping to have the book available in print on demand midway through March.

Finally, I've recently setup a subscription service on my discord channel. Benefits include secret previews of playtest materials and artwork, the chance to vote on the content in future products not related to this kickstarter, and special discounts for said products.

2/10/23 Update: Player's Guide v3.3 proof
about 2 years ago – Fri, Feb 10, 2023 at 01:17:17 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

about 2 years ago – Tue, Jan 31, 2023 at 12:58:23 PM

Yesterday I put out an update, and one of you asked when the books were going to come out. I responded that I didn't have a timetable, and that I had mentioned that in both that update and the prior one. Some felt that was being dismissive and snippy towards the backer.

I NEVER meant to sound like I was dismissive and I'm really sorry it came across that way. For that I truly apologize. 

I simply don't have these answers. Nobody is more aware of how long this has taken than I am. I was not intentionally being snippy; I'm just unsure as to how I can respond. I do not have a timetable for shipping. I've tried to be open and honest about that. I have to find a solution that gets everyone their books and doesn’t require a second mortgage on my house.  I made just under 7000 dollars last year, and while the kickstarter made 63,000, all of the expenses involved combined with rising costs of the past few years are making it much more expensive than it would have been.

I never planned on this kickstarter being as late as it has been. It seems like it’s s been one problem after another and to be perfectly honest with you, it's been so depressing that I have had to talk with mental health professionals about it and have more than once considered checking myself into a mental health facility.

I never expected to have to do so many revisions to this book because of all of the errors that have (and continue to) crop up. I never planned for any of this to go so badly. I screwed up in a huge way. It doesn't matter who I hired, what mistakes they made, it's all my fault. I'm not shirking the blame.

If I could give all of your money back, I would, truly. But I can't.

All I can do right now is focus on getting these books ready and try to find a good print solution. Again, I'm not trying to be dismissive or blow off your questions; I just don't have any real answers.

1/30/2023 update
about 2 years ago – Mon, Jan 30, 2023 at 10:55:12 AM

Hi everyone. I hope this update finds you well.

I have a few things to talk about in this update.

First off, progress on the revisions is slow-going, but I anticipate getting both pdfs done by the end of February. I’m still looking for a printing solution, however, so I have no date on shipping for you yet.

I need to create a Tuckbox for the Action deck. It requires more learning on my part, as the printer only accepts Adobe Illustrator files, and I’m not well-versed in that program. Once I get the tuckbox done, however, I’ll be getting those ready for you.

I still need to do more work on the Malmart Catalog. Much has been done, but I need to organize the word documents and get a handle on what I think still needs to be added. Lately I’ve been thinking about technology levels in 2095 and given the fact that a team of scientists have managed to achieve nuclear fusion, I’ve been wondering what kind of impact it might have on the world/solar system some 70 years from now. Could we see fusion power cells? What exactly might they be used for? Spacecraft? Weapons? It’s fun to speculate, but Cyberpunk has always been a near-future genre, and I don’t want to jump the shark, so to speak.

Other tech considerations are advancements in “hover” technology, electronics innovations, “smart” technology, etc. We live in a world where vehicles can almost drive themselves, and I find it interesting to speculate on what that technology might evolve into, and how it can impact other areas beyond just vehicles.

There’s a lot to think about.

The solar system is on my mind as well. I’ve been reviewing the existing text and trying to come up with some ideas. I’m not ashamed to admit that much of my inspiration for a book on the solar system comes from The Expanse, but mostly in terms of technology. I’m very interested in developing various cultures that might evolve after some 50 years in space. Second generation Martians, rover colonies, the impact of megacorporations, etc. I find it all fascinating, but also very challenging because I don’t want to put out a derivative clone of the expanse, either.

I’m starting the basic concept work for the World book. That’s tougher. I live in the United States and other than my time in the Navy, I’ve not travelled abroad. I don’t want to make assumptions about culture, so this is going to take a lot of research to get right. Then I have to decide on the cities and areas of focus. I can’t write about every single country on the planet, but I want to make sure readers living outside the United States feel like they are represented in a respectful way.

Anyhow, I’m starting to ramble a bit. I just wanted to share my thoughts with you.

Thanks for your time.

12/`15/2022 update
about 2 years ago – Sat, Dec 17, 2022 at 05:56:19 AM

Hi everyone,

First of all, I’m so sorry for not updating you last month! I don’t know what happened. I feel like I did the update in October, blinked, and it was December. This is going to be a longish update, so let’s get to it.


The NPCs have been updated. Thanks to everyone who helped me with that. Honestly, creating things like stat blocks are difficult for me, as I have Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder and it’s a real problem when I have to focus on stat blocks.

Character Archetypes

People have been asking for ready-to-play characters for a long time, and out of the blue, someone came to me and offered to do them. I said, “yes please” and this person went above and beyond the call. He created archetypes for each of the Origins! Since I am already updating the book, I’m going to put them into the player’s guide, but I’ve also linked a bare-bones pdf that you can download now. Here’s the link:

Archetype Pdf


I’ve made a couple of small changes to drones based on some feedback I received on our Discord server. Now, all drones have the Hardy and Resilient abilities. This should help their survivability.


 I’ve had a number of complaints about certain things that people feel should be in the gear chapter, like Tendril Access Processors, Hacking Rigs, etc., and honestly, it’s a good idea. But those pieces of equipment lack context if I don’t put the setting rules in front of the gear chapter. Honestly, I feel like the setting rules should be before gear even though that’s generally not how Savage Worlds books are organized, so that is what I’ve done.

Various Issues

I’ve been going through and dealing with typos, finding missing tables, correcting issues with table entries, etc., and that’s been tedious, but necessary work. Not much to say about this.

Printing and Shipping

Unfortunately, I don’t have any definitive timeline for shipping. POD prices have gone up over the last few months, and after rough cost estimate, I’ll be spending roughly 70,000 dollars just to print the books. The kickstarter didn’t even make that much, so I’m going to look into traditional print options again, optimally in The United States, but more likely in Europe or Asia. I’ll update you again when I have found a solution. Those of you pledged for a print product and have received it in POD will get an offset version.

Ok, I think that’s it for now.

 Have a happy, safe holidays.